Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
Last sunday almost the whole Lastplak crew together with Bust painted the Marnixbowl in Amsterdam. It’s one of the biggest skatebowls of Holland and it took us 9 hours to complete the job. It’s one of the dopest things we painted so far and it was well worth the muscle pain the next few days. Here some pictures.
Yesterday we had the big Lastplak auction during Queensday in NRC here in Rotterdam.
It was a huge succes and all the 50 pieces were sold like zoetebroodjes so we’re off to the Bahamas!
For Music Mile we painted a whole house in the Gouvernestraat with the whole crew. First we tagged up the place as a background and later we painted huge characters all over the show. here some pictures.
We were asked to send in some work for this new american movie called “Day of youth” which will be released in 2013. The photo’s we send were printed and used on the set. Here a screenshot of the movie.
Yesterday Grrt, Boortorrie, Pinwin, Ox-Alien, Sake, Das Boat & BA went to Zestienhoven to paint a room in a not yet finished house and a car that’s gonna drive in the Carbage Run. Here some pictures.
Last weekend we had the Dutch Streets Fair in Amsterdam. The opening on fridaynight was busy as hell (more than 300 people showed up) and there were some dope tunes from DJ Bite! We made 4 new pieces for this show, four 80×80 canvases with colour themes and 3 of them were sold. Ox-Alien, Thor, Das Boat, Bust and Zaira also painted a wall on sunny saturday afternoon. The whole weekend was a big succes, thanks to everybody who showed up and see you next time!