Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
Yesterday Grrt, Boortorrie, Pinwin, Ox-Alien, Sake, Das Boat & BA went to Zestienhoven to paint a room in a not yet finished house and a car that’s gonna drive in the Carbage Run. Here some pictures.
KBTR, Oles, Cosh, Pinwin, Ox-Alien, Thor & Ces53 painted the big wall at Skadi in Rotterdam again, there were some tags through it so it was time for an update. here some pictures.
From the 7th till the 28th of this month you can check out the Friends Projects Festival in Antwerpen. We will be live painting there friday the 20th. More info check HERE