Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
This year Das Boat, Sake, Sterf en Yen took on a 6 days mission to the Zwarte Cross in the Achterhook. After a drive with a rented van and some wrong turns we quickly setted up our basecamp consisting of 4 experienced festivaltents in a circle. After a hookup with Diederik, whom we gave our LastPlak book, as a token of gratitude for being able to paint at this friendly festival again. Then he welcomed Sake to the world of Zwarte Cross by folding out a map with the infrastructure of this temporary party town. Since the paint was still at the Feestfabriek’s headquarters, we passed the time with exploring the festival area and climbing into a watchtower to overlook the hugeness of it all. Later that evening we ended up drawing stickers, sketching, at the crewbar. A few guys from the organisation joined us there and introduced us to the new drink they had created and brewed especially for the festival called “Nozem” On the next day we were set on some missions at specific spots. Since the festival wasnt open to the public yet, we did most of our paintings on that day during a 12hrs shift of walking back and forward across the festival area, needless to say that made us very thirsty ! Alltogether we had a really great time at Zwarte Cross, meeting new people, helping security vollunteers by delivering them coffee, and even moved our feet on various dancefloor/stages.
Feestfabriek,and all the people of the theatre area : THANKS again for these days! And also thanks to the ANWB man who helped us out with replacing a flat tire on the rentbus on our journey homewards!
Lastplak en Trichis Publishing nodigen je van harte uit op de boekpresentatie van ‘Hello, our name is Lastplak and we love to paint’.
Zaterdag 30 juni 2012 van 14.00 tot 17.00 uur in Roodkapje, Meent 125, Rotterdam.
Een boek over tien jaar Lastplak. Tien man, tienduizenden spuitbussen verf en evenzoveel acties, stickers, sjablonen en muurschilderingen verder was het tijd om het werk te bundelen. Hello, our name is… gaat over de passie voor het maken van muurschilderingen, stickeracties en de avonturen die ze hierbij meemaakten. Hello, our name is… is een rijk geïllustreerd boek dat de lezer aan de hand van veel foto’s aan de hand neemt door de geschiedenis van Lastplak.
Hello, our name is Lastplak and we love to paint
Engels, paperback, 320 pagina’s, 205 x 280 mm
ISBN 978 94 9060 831 6
€ 29,95
Het boek is na de presentatie te koop. Ook kun je een exemplaar bestellen via of via je boekhandel.
Last weekend we went on a crazy trip for Pinwins bachelors party. Here just a few words that comes in mind: Beer, Stickers, Bus, Tagging, Paintball, Antwerp, BBQ, More Beers, Police, Bars, Ass & Titties & Hangover. Here some pictures.
For the HKU (Hogeschool voor de kunsten Utrecht) we painted a big pile of washing machines, fridges, tables, doors, etc at their anual Trend Event with this years theme ‘Create through recycle’. here some pictures