Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
We were asked to paint at the Zomerjam in Leiden this year, together with: Sel, Swet & Smash we painted a wall. Some nice hiphop tunes and a lot of beers kept us going in spite of the rain. We did our wall with: Boortorrie, Mbs, Ox-Alien, Smetvrees & Thor. So there were strange combo's and finally Afu Ra. It was all good fun. Here some pictures and some more on Fontanel.
Last saturday we painted 6 pyramides during "Street challenge" a neighbourhood party in Rotterdam North. Participating artists were: Boortorrie, Pinwin, Grrt, Ces53, Ox-alien, Sake, Sterf, Yen, Tomek(Poland) and Vigo(England).
Stichting Caramundo asked us if we would like to paint something for them at Dunya festival here in Rotterdam. No worries, we painted a big piece of canvas and made friends with G.o.s.p.l.e, a rapper from Malawi and with the rest of the Virus Free Generation crew. After that, we listened to their funky tunes in the park.
During the Rotterdam museumnight we painted a container for Maritime Museum. Allthough it was cold and windy, we brought our nice tropical reggae soundsystem, lots of friends, paint and beer. Old School GRRT was with us again and Torrie's objects were on display in the museum. Later that week P Bloem added his stuff and GRRT finished his job, with support from lots of hobby photographers, padvinders and girlie groupies.
After meeting each other at the Maassilo at eleven o 'clock in the morning, we claimed our wall inside. There we received our beer and food coupons and we started painting! At five we started to check out some bands. Duvel Duvel, Kubus and Bangbang, Winne, Typhoon and the old fellows De la Soul!
During the "Wereld van de Witte de With" festival we painted a 14x4m. "freeze" on the front of the Gallery TENT. From friday to sunday around 20 artists contributed to the painting, that reflected on the forthcoming TENT-exhibitions: Dutch Design Port (Rotterdam designers), "Murals" and the festival theme "Heroes".
Contributing artists: Skriepa, Pino, Dizl, Crack 010, Serif, Badilla, Grrt, Pinwin, Oles, Torrie, Tinus, Mayb, Sterf, Ces 53, Pjotr, TMK 69, Yen, Max, die aardappel and some other relatives ….Thanx y'all !
During the Motel Mozaique festival we spend two days painting at the old Hofplein station. It is temporary rebuilt as festival and camping site on a huge podium with great view on the city. Main act here this weekend is Duvel Duvel.