Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
SAM is a magazine made by enthousiastic painters with a passion for printed matter. They feature illustration design, graffiti on trains and walls, stickers, street art, interviews with writers, artists and gallery owners. They are trying to feature the most interesting artwork from all over the world and show as much different art as possible, from chrome bombing to fine art oil paintings, as long as it is fresh! You can send your work, love letters, cash money, tips, suggestions and ideas to
Companies that want to advertise in SAM and resellers can contact
SAM is made and printed in the Netherlands and runs 4 issues a year.
More info here: