Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
Last saturday Pinwin, Ox-Alien, Sake & Das Boat were on their way to the “Paint & Beer” event in Amsterdam but got stuck in Delft because of the dutch train F&*k-up. So they decided to join the “Farewell Irenetunnel Jam” in Delft. There they painted a Lastplak blockbuster and went back to Rotterdam to have a BBQ and more beers at the studio. Later that night the same crew went to Waterfront (club) to have a live paint session with DJ Miss Monica, here the Shambokkers join the crew and in the end they sold the canvas. Once again a great day!
A lot of people showed up at the Homebase openings party last friday. The free beers went down well and the police even came by to check the expo. This week we still have the “Street art” photo expo and next friday the 19th Mark Goss and Michiel van der Born have their show. So come and check it out, Homebase will be there till the 10th of September (more info check the flyer below) here some pics of the opening.
This year Lastplak Collective were invited back to the Zwarte Cross festival in Lichtenvoorde in the east of Holland.
Das Boat, Mayb, Sterf, Yen and Pinwin took a 3 hour long train trip to complete the mission.
This year there were a few guidelines. We were asked to create the theme of our paintings on topics wich are related closely to the surroundings of the east of Holland.
And, same as last year, we had a great time! On the fesitval we where treated realy good! Better than all the other festivals we have been painting on in the last few years.
There for we thank: Diederik, Evelien, Erik and the rest of the Zwarte cross crew to make this hapen and we hope to be back again next year! Here some pictures.
Last saturday Boortorrie, Grrt, Das Boat, Ox-Alien, Pinwin, Mick La Rock and KBTR painted a wall on top of an abandoned parkinglot in the Bijlmer(Amsterdam). We were invited by Fatform to come over and paint this great spot. Here some pictures.
Last weekend Boortorrie, Sake, Sterf and Yen painted at skatepark Waalhalla in Nijmegen. We had to work fast and try to stay focussed because we we’re painting to proove that the skatepark should stay. This was very difficult though, because BA held us under a very strict diet of no food and cold Jupilers. Luckily we got some food at the end of the day, so in a brief moment of soberness we had enough brain to catch a train home.
Yesterday the huge wall (120 meters long and 7 meters high) of the TDS printmaildata building in Schiedam got finished. We painted this wall before in 2006 and it was time to repaint it again.This time it took 18 days in total to finished the job and 15 artists participated. From left to right: Jens Besser, Ives, Mick La Rock, Shag33, Kbtr, Ces53, Ox-Alien, Mark Goss, Pinwin, Boortorrie, Grrt, Thor, Das Boat, Ottograph & Oles.