Lastplak is a group of around nine painters with different backgrounds and diverse skills. Our goal is to paint, no matter what surface, size or location. Our work can be found all over the world, but our homebase is Rotterdam, so that's where most of our stuff can be seen. Ja toch!
During the "Wereld van de Witte de With" festival we painted a 14x4m. "freeze" on the front of the Gallery TENT. From friday to sunday around 20 artists contributed to the painting, that reflected on the forthcoming TENT-exhibitions: Dutch Design Port (Rotterdam designers), "Murals" and the festival theme "Heroes".
Contributing artists: Skriepa, Pino, Dizl, Crack 010, Serif, Badilla, Grrt, Pinwin, Oles, Torrie, Tinus, Mayb, Sterf, Ces 53, Pjotr, TMK 69, Yen, Max, die aardappel and some other relatives ….Thanx y'all !
Today, GRRT, Oles, Pinwin, P Bloem and Torrie first went to Schijndel to paint a kid's bedroom, Pascal. The boy suffers from a heavy disease and had a wish to have graffiti painted in his bedroom. The Stichting Kinderdroomwens organisation came in action to get this done. Allthough Pascal prefered a big middlefinger and "FUCK YOU!" on his wall, which his parents dind't agree with, he still was pretty satisfied wth the result, even though it had girlie pink color in it.
Afterwards we roll on to Den Bosch to see the Art Academy's graduation expo featuring works of Mayb and Sterf, nice stuff ! Another part of the expo is a DIY Patatkraam where you have to peel, shape and fry your own potato, good fun !
Then we're of to a squat give-it-away-shop and restaurant to paint some stuff on the walls. Also we force an old VW van off the road for a 10 min. paint job.
As a tribute to Ds. Hans Visser and the forthcoming destruction of the Pauluskerk, our Lastplak crew and friends painted a mural on the side of the buiding.
Pinksterweekend 2007, that means caravan out and camping ! Unfortunately for Grrt his caravan got trashed the night before so he had to ride with satanic messages all over it it across Holland. Early afternoon we arrive at the Napalmed headquarters in Maastricht and set up our camp. Then we do some painting,drinking, talking bullshit, peeping around in the massive old factory and painting and drinking again. The bar is stashed with personally imported Ottakringer beer by the Vienna connection. The next day we do the Kunsttour and ofcourse pass by Skriepa's gallery with some dope ass works ! Also Grrts caravan gets a fresh new paintjob so he can drive home without red cheekbones.
After painting De Groene Voltage, we continue our tour through the Blijdorp neighbourhood. We paint a flower shop's van. Pity the sexshop suddenly decided not to have his shop painted, so we're off tho the tobacco shop for a space ciggy theme. Offcourse the Flowershop wants a painting too, so he's next.
For the squatters and activists of The Green Voltage we painted their squat. Due to windows being thrown in and other drunk behavior, the wall keeps being updated.